Jun 29Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

That's really interesting about talking to strangers! I generally have my resting bitch face (refuse to abbreviate that after reading all of those ridiculous abbreviations the kids are using on social media these days. Dear lord) on when I'm out in public (though you can't see it behind my mask anymore) so I think I miss out on the opportunity to connect with strangers more. But I know when I do randomly exchange pleasantries or conversation with a stranger, I usually feel better afterward. Definitely something to that. I've always known Donald Sutherland mostly as Snow from "The Hunger Games". He really brought that character to life perfectly. I'm gonna need to watch the movie with Julie Christie now though I think 🔥

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It was only myself and my film school BFF who would *openly* admit to thinking CHINATOWN was a steaming pile all the way around, and the arguments from purists that would ensue! We never waivered. Best screenplay has to be IN BRUGES. And while I loved Donald in M*A*S*H and ORDINARY PEOPLE, his wee role in BACKDRAFT is a delight. I don't mind the metric system of language, as long as it's done right. It's the "pandy" dammit! Hope you are having fun wherever you are, lovely. xo

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Oh, language is forever fluid and I need to get the hell over myself, lol... it's when I hear the Kim K voice in it that I begin to convulse. IN BRUGES is a damn fine script. There are just so many and so many unknown writers whose scripts landed in dev purgatory that would have been genius but for the bravery of a single dev exec speaking up, plus so many early day female screenwriters left off the list altogether. I will be writing of my adventures very soon... they have turned out better than I could have hoped. xo

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I'm so happy to hear that, Alisa! Can't wait to read all about it! xo

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I love this post with its tribute to Sutherland and here's a link to fab sandwiches in LA should you come west: https://www.latimes.com/food/newsletter/2024-06-22/bread-head-sandwiches-santa-monica-tasting-notes

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Glorious!!! I hope to be back this fall for work. We lived in Santa Monica for five years and loved it so much. I know it's changed a great deal so will be glad to catch up!

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Jun 24Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Love the tribute to Donald Sutherland.

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Jun 23Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Sutherland helped transform Hollywood during a weird time— the 60s and 70s. He gave a stellar performance in Ordinary People. “Stellar,” is so Variety cringe but still a good word.

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I feel like neo-noir 70s was the perfect time for him to make an impact... with Don't Look Now and Klute and then he just fanned out from there to a full spectrum of roles but Ordinary People blew me away and I was fairly young when I first saw it.

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RIP Mr. Sutherland- his career was a road map to some of the best movies made in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

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Indeed. You could teach a whole course on his career as an actor's blueprint for growth.

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Jun 23Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

M*A*S*H for sure. In a supporting role, Animal House. And the disturbing face he makes (along with the reach/point) at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers left an indelible impression on me as a child.

The bit about language left me downright nauzy (nauseated).

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Sorry about the language bit... I too was shocked to make the discovery.

I remember Invasion on the Body Snatchers scaring the sh*t out of me as a child, lol. I need to the silly story about that one day... coming home from a summer at the grandparents and thinking holy hell, the aliens had indeed taken over my parents, lol.

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Jun 24Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

You definitely need to tell that story. It sounds hilarious. That movie was A LOT as a kid.

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Jun 23Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Traveling AND eating more normally. That makes me so happy for you!

And yes, Ordinary People. I was fortunate enough to get tickets to the premier in SLC attended by Sutherland, Moore, Hersh, Redford, etc. I was 17 and no stranger to familial chaos. I'll always remember it.

Have a great time sampling any sandwich you'd like where ever you find yourself. Looking forward to hearing all about it in that way that only you can deliver!

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Wow... the premiere! That must have been something! And agree if you've ever experienced complex family dysfunction (as so many of us have growing up) there was so much that was deeply relatable in the film.

I intend to show off the sandwich I ate yesterday, which was truly exquisite, in next week's post because the aromas practically leap through the lens.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

So glad that you're getting to travel again! Where do I begin with this awesome post? How bout here: as a Canadian, I have to point out that as much as I've always been awed by DS's screen presence, the fact is that he spoke with a Canadian accent IN EVERY SINGLE ROLE, and this was an endless distraction to my sensitive ears. Holy shit, the Impact Storytelling research is something to dig into (maybe for use in the IWF materials?). I've always liked talking to strangers (at certain times, as I'm a true introvert) and I've absolutely found it to be a mood-elevating practice. LOVE that Joyce de Cor record, and just downloaded it for use during an upcoming cross-country business trip. The record that starts summer for me is this one: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_k70HDEZL3Ov-6LuSXnBPLHCUfM8EiRiAY

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I'd wondered if, as a Canadian, your ear would be attuned to his accent and whether that would make him less credible to you in American roles.

I LOVE the impact storytelling research for the IWF!

I have always defined my introversion by the question: Does being in big groups energize or drain me energy-wise? Being with individuals CAN be quite mood elevating and joyful in the right circumstances. I feel like between the pandemic, the overarching zeitgeist of divisive political angst, and otherization has stopped strangers talking to each other and dulled our ability to read interpersonal cues about doing so. I'm sure there's some study afoot about it right now... and some gov agency will tell us what we already suspected all along. :)

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Re-watched Don't Look Now last night. So incredibly good. Donald Sutherland, one of the great actors of the 1970s and ever. I dig his understated performance in Klute.

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Jun 23Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I love Sutherland! And in a rugged, yet dignified way, I always thought he was handsome. And Ordinary People….ohhh….one of my all time favs.

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I know... Ordinary People, he just broke my whole heart... he was dignified and not melodramatic--so good.

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jet lag? rom-com? talking to strangers? very interesting...sounds like something a Sutherland doppelganger might be party to 😉😅 hmmmmm...

any rate happy you have full use of jaws again!!😇

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Thank you! Solid food is so wonderful and this is the first bit of travel I've gotten to try since cosplaying Marie Antoinette in my living room! So huzzah!!!

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looks like i got some catching up to do...you DO know it didn't end well for her😎

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