Sep 10Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Oh I see it now! Slightly pursed lips, slender but elegant. And Iā€™m assuming your hens are free-range, artisanal, yoni-egg laying queens so yes, Gweneth approves.

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Well, they were, lol. They are no more... thanks to Gwyneth-the-bear's tremendous appetite!

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maybe some day i will have to watch "Sucession" i feel i miss wayyyyy too much šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£

the bear needs some buckshot in his rear end šŸ‘¹

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Alas, bear hunting is highly regulated in California. There is a rule against killing cubs or females with them. Baiting, trapping, and hounding of bears is also not allowed... so you really have to work with your local rangers if you get into a "situation". Sigh. Succession is worth a watch... just for the zingers alone! Such great writing.

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Sep 9Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I know couples who are both chronically ill, and maybe what helps them especially is that they both understand what it's like. I am in a couple where I'm the chronically ill person, but my husband also has some minor issues. It's harder for us to put ourselves in our shoes from time to time, but we do our utmost to at least try and be empathetic anyways, even if we don't fully get it. And I would say it's not improbable, but it's rare and freaking hard work.

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Oh, Nadia! Your story gives me so much hope as I try to finish this one! I think empathy for each other will definitely be part of what binds this couple together because their condition is so hard to understand unless you've experienced it yourself. And yes... it's freaking hard work. No doubt. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ

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You'll create that perfect ending, just as exquisite as the bamboo sheets or the English Vision. It's a given, unless you turn your focus which is always okay. But my money is on the blockbuster.

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Thanks Sue! I am excited to finish this book :)

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Sep 10Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I hope it helps to know that there are people willing to fight for each other every day and that with time it becomes a little bit easier to navigate. Big hugs!

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IDk, this made me laugh so hard several times, AND I signed up for the Jcrew catalog (hurrah for the printed visual material!) AND I forwarded it to a lot of friends and family AND I love love LOVE all melanges in all magazines but particularly this one AND Gwyneth the bear story (oddly lookalikes)...I could go on and on. I am left so satiated and happy from your work here and I am not just saying that because I wouldn't bother if it wasn't true. Thank you...

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Oh my goodness, Kim! THANK YOU. You can't know what your encouragement means to me. It's so easy to get downtrodden and wonder if your words and humor ever actually translate. I do LOVE melanges as a rule as they let you showcase so many diverse items in a visually economic way--so am going to be making this a permanent feature of gotham girl going forward. I could go on and on as well about Women's Survival Guide and your deep dive interviews and hangouts... I'm just so glad Substack brought us together!

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me too. and I am glad to lend some attagirl...it can be really depressing sometimes. So glad about the melanges..I do them during the Holidays for shopping and used to do graduation gift favorites...

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Sep 9Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Foxes around here put me off keeping chickens, but bears? Yikes!

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Yes, foxes I could totally deal with.... It would be like an episode of FLEABAG where she tries her hand at farming, but Gwyneth, the bear is another matter entirely. Yikes! šŸ˜‚

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Sep 9Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Poor chickens and baby bear trauma, with Gwyneth (both forms) just trying to go about goopy business! Well done lovely one! #3 Clogs remind me of Candy's, from the 80's, a sweet nostalgia.

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Yes, all the Gwyneths might thrive better outside the company of ordinary humans! And Candy's! That's it! The brand has been on the tip of my tongue all day. Good memory!!!

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Sep 9Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

When is your magazine launch? You are editor and chief of this mag rag. Itā€™s awesome.

Our neighbors have chickens, geese and ducks. Theyā€™ve been attacked by coyotes a few times. The worst attack was by two dogs who snuck under their fence. They killed for fun. So sad. Neighbor had one duck for 7 years.

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The poor ducks! And how sad/cruel of the dogs owners :( I just worry about more bear interactions. I'm thinking Gwyneth needs a forestry-sponsored spa trip to great north woods where there is more to eat than chicken and us pretzels!

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Sep 9Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I see the resemblance between the Gwynethsā€”it IS all in the mouthā€”and if you substitute coop for Goop, it gets downright eerie.

Thank you so much for the mention, Alisa. That was a really nice surprise!

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Hahaha... The brand nerd in me so wanted to do a 'coop' logo!

And yes, I love anagrams... great quote!

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Sep 9Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Ha, thatā€™s too funny. I get itā€”Iā€™m a brand nerd too (marketing writer/CD)! Also, the fact that your brother only shrieked and didnā€™t shit himself is impressive. That must have been terrifying.

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Indeed, so terrifying!

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Sep 9Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Look, I donā€™t know how to tell you this but at this point Iā€™m Team Gwyneth, because women so rarely get to fully indulge our appetites, and that bear is an inspiration! Speaking of appetites, and speaking as someone who is rather indifferent to clothes but LOVES accessories and outerwear, Iā€™d style that Boden dress with one of the new satin trench coats from Jcrew and a Mulberry tote, the one with the chain handles. Lastly, ā€œan octave that defies scienceā€ made me laugh out loud just now in the taxi coming back from the airport, making the driver jump and yell FUCK at that same octave. So yeah, well done all!!

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BAHAHAHA! Team Gwyneth!!! Point SO WELL taken! Btw, I LOVE your ideas about the Boden dress--thank you for sharing! And I'm sorry to your poor driver, but also v. happy to make you laugh! :)

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