As an American, I think my main concern is if you’re part of a certain demographic, people believe that your possessions might not belong to you. That by default; if you hold certain beliefs, it’s your right to take them. Take away the PR firms, mock up stories, and social media; at its grassroots, don’t women have the right to their own possessions?

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoAuthor

Point well taken. Don't women have a right to bodily autonomy, no-fault divorce, contraception, and the ability to travel across state lines of their free will? Last night, for the first time in a very long while, I had one of my "pandemic dreams"--a gritty, bleak Cormac McCarthy-style vision of my daughters and I "on the road" with only what we could carry in a slow, but doom-filled quest for safety, which is so much the state of the rest of the world, but upon waking, I thought, ok there's still some time.

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That’s interesting. I don’t have children, so I wouldn’t understand that fear. McCarthy’s “On the Road” was a father and son story. Grail quests are always given to men, one really has to be written for us women, but our stories tend to revolve around superficial things that don’t win Pulitzers. As for pandemic dreams, I can help with that. I’ll leave you with wisdom from my dad who told me to always get a job and become part of the community - they can’t take that away from you because it’s yours. I’ve always felt safe in my towns, danger tends to come in the mask of “family” always wanting something from me. Happy 4th, great blog.

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Jul 1Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

"When so much is mid, glazed, or straight-up sus, it's a relief to encounter someone or something that's simply... based." - Haha! I love that.

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Jul 1Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

This was so chock full of goodness in so many ways. Too many to call out, but I will say that “They Pete Hornbergered America” killed me.

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Jul 1Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I quoted those EXACT SAME lines from Sucession to my hubz after the debate! Your expert kid-slng take on the subject is priceless. A client at a global company recently showed me a deck for a product they're marking to parents of young kids, and it contains a few of those terms. America has been MID (at best!) for so long that I can't remember what I'm supposed to hope for anymore... oh wait... yes I do... it's the strengthening of democracy, but at this point I'd settle for just peserving the fucker!

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i think these people did us a service by not pulling the plug

and there is still time and it won't be their decision but his

jill biden holds all our futures in her hands....better her than melania right? 🙈

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Don't you think it would be Jill versus Trump, as Melania is all but absent? And would she be able to rally the Michigan factory vote from offstage--a key battleground state? I wonder. Jill also does not play well with Kamala--whom they've so successfully erased--a shame b/c, like her or not, she has the SKEW (skills, knowledge, expertise, and wisdom) to stealthily make strategic fixes. But there is still time, though none of it for malignant optimism. That's like setting my 87-year-old dad up to break his hip on a rocky trailhead. It needs to be his decision, but it's also why you pay advisors to tell you the truth in discerning the right move... sigh.

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Jul 1Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

all the advisors should be fired asap. were they blind and deaf? and where was the makeup advisor? geez he looked like "night of the living dead" . where was the rouge or base or a dab of lip color. zombie is not a good look.

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Not so soon after 'The Last of Us'... He needed to glow, but not like an orange McMuffin!

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it pains me in my rush/desire/wish fulfillment that Jill persuade Joe to end this that i bypass Kamala who is everything you say and so much more but she fell on the "immigration" sword....this tiresome golf handicapp infused struggle between 2 old white men (not a good era for "us" 🤣🥵) will be well served to be skewered by a Gretchen Whitmer (despite fact she doesn't have any oppressed blood in her...maybe we can find some!!!😚)

the "Melania Factor" has been stewing for awhile here...its,eruption may

be our October Surprise...unless you decide to reveal further details of your night of "lack of judgement "

over in the mystery country 😉

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Kamala did impale herself mightily on the immigration sword--one that could have been a tremendous asset if we only could see it as such. Whitmer doesn't speak oppressed ancestry, but she *does* speak midwestern "mom" and that counts for a lot across party lines... As for my mystery adventure all will be revealed in time! 🤣

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Jul 1Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

AI would have been better than the TV, or these days, IPad or iphone babysitter. Imagine if we were able to program the AI to teach our kids how to interpret a Shakespeare poem rather than plopping them on the couch in front of Lizzy McGuire?

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Or teach our kids a new language... I've been using it to improve my secondary language skills and there's a whole series of prompts you can employ to help you creatively and systematically better your Spanish in 6 months. I much rather try that or poetry... than have kids playing Plants Vs. Zombies. :)

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Jul 1Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

How do you use AI for language learning? ChatGPT?

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I so agree with you, Alissa, about Biden: We are at what could be a critical point after the debate because something was clearly amiss with President Biden who has done such a great job--and not enough is known about that or about what was wrong during the debate. As a president, he must make decisions and he has, brilliantly, but as a candidate he must communicate and he failed at that during the debate. The question we who support him and must face is whether he should gracefully concede and admit that one term was enough. I do think something is wrong, perhaps a medical condition that has not yet been diagnosed. That performance was not only a cold--how could it be? I'll vote for him but my fear is that the race is too close, that what is at stake is too great to allow Trump to win because, if he does, and he might, we will lose our democracy, our Constitution and our freedom. By not allowing someone younger and stronger to take over--and there is still time--he will be making the mistake that Ruth Bader Ginsburg made. I know this may not be what you want to hear and I know that we are not the deciders for this question that I raise, but I do think we are at a critical point to save our country and prevent Trump, his morally deficient persona, his desire for an autocracy and his lies to take over.

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Jul 1Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Steve Bannon just said in an interview that Trump is a "moderate" MAGA. Can you fucking imagine?

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And SCOTUS just granted TFG partial immunity? There's nothing 'moderate' about any of this.

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No f--king kidding. I am horrified. Did you see the recent interview with Judge Sotomayor where she says she now too often goes in her office and cries? Where are we going and how do we stop this path towards autocracy? Only one way: Trump MUST be defeated and decidedly so.

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RBG is such a spot-on analogy. The havoc it wrought... We need a graceful/grateful exit for him--not only b/c 72% of Americans now see him as too weak to lead, but we owe him that much for his brilliance as a lifelong statesman and a legislator. There is a way to handle this, but when people are panicked and uncertain, they tend to let their worlds grow very small and rigid and this is a time to expand our thinking and our choices so that we preserve democracy, freedom, and our Constitution. Other countries coalition-build behind a candidate in a matter of weeks... we can be that agile too, if we only realize what is at stake.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Your point about other countries building coalitions in a matter of weeks is spot on. And this too: Nancy Pelosi at 83 was on Jen Psaki’s show yesterday MSNBC and spoke eloquently and forcefully about the stakes without notes or pause and, though in support of Biden, let’s look at her example: She stepped down from the speakership. Admittedly, she groomed Jeffries to replace her, but still, President Biden should take note of her choice while still totally able to do the job. He is not so able at this point as the debate proved.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

As someone in the "biz" you know everyone needs makeup in camera, that seemed to be an obvious misstep from the get go. Having to decide, on the fly, whether to answer the question or fact check the lunatic liar previous answer would have been a challenge for anyone, IMO. Trevor Noah or Wayne Brady might have been able to do it, both have incredibly quick reflexes, but really that shouldn't be a Presidential debate position!


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Since he was up against such a serial liar... maybe the rules of the debate should have allowed him (or his team) to call "fact check" and right in the moment and a split-second team of political scientists, researchers, and data scientists would have to pull the actual stats... That said, we live in a Post-Fact world... "strong and wrong" still beats hard evidence every time. And that 72% of Americans now think Biden should not accept his party's nomination and bow out... is going to be a tough flip.

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