
I have a rando comment to add to this post... SO, one of the weird-ass side effects of Covid is that for some crazy, unknown reason CHOCOLATE tastes extra fabulous when you have the virus. I'm not making this up. I read it in some sciency thing and decided to try it the last time I had it... and it was true. So this time I got the plague, I picked up a dark chocolate sheet cake from Trader Joe's... and I am telling you... it was like BALTHAZAR in my mouth. Just a Pro Tip for any sickies out there!

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Kerouac and his red brick buildings alleyways. Sure, I'll take it. There are neighborhoods in downtown St. Petersburg, FL, where I grew up, with block and blocks of red brick streets. And weirdly enough, Kerouac died in the hospital I was born in.

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That IS weird!

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Looking forward to my next booster. Wishing you better times ahead. Boxes are scary.

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They're my one thing. I meant to tell you... Your writing always reminds of Kerouac writing about the city. So great.

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Alisa, I hope you feel better soon, and never underestimate the power of Arnica. And I think you should call this bout of COVID your ERIS Tour (de force). Rock it, girl. xo

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Oh, if only! Her dresses on this tour are so rad :) xo

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Delightful. I loved “'oh-shitting' toward doom"

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Oh, thank you. That means so much :)

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What version is this virus? Covid 42? Love this piece. I am triggered by brown boxes too! We've moved way too many times. I want to see this now famous T-shirt that has labeled you. Who is Leah Lane?

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This is Covid ERIS brand--my second bout, but it took extra drugs to get better due to a secondary infection. The T-shirt is from the Film Forum in New York and it can be found here: https://my.filmforum.org/shop/banana-bread-sm Leah is a mom in the UK with chickens who just romanticizes the hell out of her life and I admire that, lol... b/c it can't be easy??? xo

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Feel better soon. 🙏🙏

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I loved Matthew in The Americans! I think he makes the perfect low-key super-spy, so I'm always shocked when his inherent Mad Welshman rears up and starts running around. Anyway, hope your immunity kicks up or the virus cams down. Also, I've found these things to be greatly helpful in calming my own moving stress (and they're sturdy, reusable, and easy to clean): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07J6625YY/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_6?smid=A3EE54R5TOWPLC&psc=1

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Those look wonderful. Thanks for the tip! :)

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