Nov 21, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

So many great turns of phrase in here. God as the original tech bro. F-you phone. But my favorite: “Turducken of absurdity”

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I came to the US from Canada in 1992 and even back then healthcare costs seemed outrageous to me. Big love and support for your sitch, and may you be hired for your well-paying dream job very soon (fuck all the media layoffs, you’re a jem that deserves top place in the industry). Also I freaked out on the word “cupidity” and I looked it but, but the definition doesn’t match how my brain perceives it (as an adjective for the shenanigans of Cupid, is what I’m saying) so I give you this: May you find your true love with minimum stupidity and maximum cupidity!

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Darling, I am so sorry about the insurance/med sitch. Insurance companies are so cruel. I pay through the effing nose to stay on Kaiser because of Anthem/Blue Cross PTSD. I live in my teeny tiny place to afford that peace of mind. It shouldn't be that way. I hope the new year changes that (new deductible/coverage?) and that you get to enjoy this holiday season. And f*ck tech bros. Gawd, they just can't stop sucking, can they? Wishing you all the good stuff and a financial boon, Alisa! xo

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This is relatable on so many levels. The algorithms didn’t make sense until I read “San Francisco.” Then, all of it clicked. And before Sir EJ came up, I was humming Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, kid you not. Because I thought all Californians were easin’ on down the road to Austin to get away from the those No Cal algorithms to set up new ones deep in the heart of Texas (I lived there for 22 yrs).

And “actuarialist” was a brilliant f’ing learning moment in and of itself.

I agree that beautiful print pubs will endure, as well as industry mags. Who doesn’t love licking their fingers with a good page turner and appearing high brow on the bus or subway? AI is creating stunning photos that are killing photography as a profession. But we may see the print pendulum swing the other way just for the eye candy. 🍭

Meanwhile, I think Amazon Primed you a pink side hustle to float this month’s rent. Just sayin’...

Music heals, women will save the world, and long live the dreamers, rule breakers, and rockstars. 🤘🏻🤘🏻

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Hannah Waddingham runs a soccer club and employs Ted Lasso - don't forget ! The biggest gift you can give to woman/mankind :-)

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

A glorious and mood-lifting read as I nodded furiously in agreement!

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Oh, thank you!

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I’ve been thinking about you since you mentioned the dastardly tech bros. Do you have to move? You manage to make a crapola situation entertaining.

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I DIDN'T have to move because my girlfriends helped save my tiny version of a Nora Ephron life here--and now there's a class action suit by the other tenants to hopefully slow things down. In the meantime, I just have to write my caboose off... and make more room for the funny because that is what sustains me... and the people around me. Also, if I look at people like Carol Burnett and Betty White(RIP)--these are the women I want to grow up to be like. xo

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Sounds like a good plan. Except for Betty White. She was mean.

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Was she? I never met her in person. You know who I really had fun with... to my own surprise because I was completely terrified when I met her... Joan Rivers. I almost gave birth in her living room and she was great to work with... as a writer. I also had fun with Carol Channing and Cloris Leachman.

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Bea Arthur couldn't stand Betty and referred to her with a particular word, which makes me love Bea even more, which I wasn't sure was possible. Dead jelly that you worked with Joan, Carol and espesh Cloris. xo

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I miss Joan Rivers! Loved her.

Betty White had me fired. I was guest starring and she was a regular on this failing sitcom. Don’t remember the name. She didn’t like that I had all the funny lines and had me fired. I was heartbroken. I was a fan of hers. Turns out she had a reputation for being an ice witch on set of Golden Girls.

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OMFG... how awful. I'm SO sorry. That is beyond bitchy... There's zero reason to be that way to another actor and I hail from a long line of petty women, but you just DON'T. I had no idea. I never even thought to ask my girlfriends who must have known her. I was only 15 when Golden Girls came out... My memories of her stemmed from Mary Tyler Moore and I had known Valerie who played Rhoda in NYC when we worked on charity stuff and she never mentioned anything. Wow. Brutal. xo

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I never mentioned it until I was interviewed by two extreme Seinfeld fans. They asked if I had any Hollywood secrets. It was just after Betty passed so I mentioned it. Then I started hearing about her on the set bitchyness. But guess who was really kind and sweet on that failing Sit Com? Marie Osmond!

I want to hear about working with the Carol's and Rhoda!

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

“One note away from your life turning into an Elton John song.” Huzzah for you and your brilliant, hilarious mind.

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Awww... you do me too much kindness! You know, Sir Elton might be really insulted by my characterization of his music, but I meant in the best way possible. He's a living, breathing Rock Opera of a person! And I should be SO LUCKY to be a Candle in the Wind! Lol. xo

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Aaackkkk!!! I was going to email you to see if you were alright today because I didn't see you in my inbox. I'm so sorry to hear you've had such an F'd week. How you manage to turn turds into funnies is beyond me. I'm glad you had your posse of girlfriends to look out for you.

P.S. How do you know all this stuff about movies and songs and and and?? You are a walking encyclopedia of old tv shows, movies and everything in between!

Here's to you and a better week to come. But wait...it's thanksgiving with family, so that could be a toss up, right?? xo

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Oh, I love you for that :) I am SOOOOOOO just catching up... I have a such a funny Empress tale brewing for us. I just needed a moment to catch up and Tday... meh... will be fine... I am so grateful just to be here? I love my girlfriends to the END.

My Ph.D. that I never actually finished (b/c I decided to run away to Paris and get married in a literal Rom-com moment) was in Film & TV from NYU and I also worked in the archive at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York (which is WONDERFUL) and so I learned from all the smarty pants curators, educators, and archivists there and wasn't nearly appreciative enough of them at the time. .. so that explains my nerdiness. And yes, we must transform the turds into laughter or what else would we do??? xo

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