Jun 20Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I hope you have fun, safe travels! Quirks and eccentricities fascinate me about people. Anyways, it what makes them unique and themselves.

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Jun 19ยทedited Jun 20Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I love the obits but with each passing year a little less. They are getting too close for comfort. Although the tribute to Willie Mays today hit me hard. Loved him.

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Jun 19Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Thank you so much for the mention, and for the rest of your article which I think highlights eccentricity. I feel a connection because I am also travelling - in my case on a train. The time spent getting to the airport two hours before the flight, plus flight time, was very little different from the much less stressful train time.

I love obituaries, both because they tell the complete story of the personโ€™s life, but also because of the euphemisms - the battle between telling the truth and being respectful.

And I will forever be grateful to you for telling us about โ€˜farting crackersโ€™ (trousers). Have you come across Cockney Rhyming slang? The words rhyme with the actual word, and in the best examples infuse the expression with extra meaning. For instance โ€˜trouble & strifeโ€™ means wife.

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Hi there, I have been wanting to reply to you properly for over a week now, but scheduling and having to be in certain places at certain times and not having connectivity has prevented all normal communication. I SO loved your piece and found it completely inspiring! Thank so much for allowing me so graciously (ex post facto) to reference it! I have zero knowledge of Cockney Rhyming slang, but it sounds like you could spend a lifetime in deep pop culture and historical study of it and show how people and communities have come to know themselves through it. That โ€˜trouble & strifeโ€™ means wife is completely hilarious--and ever so rife with meaning. Thank you for that one!

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Jun 25Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Thank you for taking the time to reply, when you sound so busy. Substack is such a great place to read excellent articles, like yours, but also share with authors. Hope you enjoy the rest of your time away.

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Jun 19Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Free will has massive implications for how we conceive of justice. If there really is no free will, how does that impact the idea of punishment? It has less of an impact on deterrence as free will is not necessarily independent of factors that may play a role in "decision making."

If you really want to get deep into free will with an absolutely fascinating character, Stanford's Robert Sapolsky is your guy.

I've been a fan since the 1990's when he was studying baboons in the wild and how social structure/hierarchy impacts development of cardiovascular disease.

Not sure I agree with all he proposes but I know I wouldn't hold my own if I was forced to debate him.


His lectures are legendary!

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Jun 21ยทedited Jun 21Author

He's such a mensch. Love that you shared this! He so interesting and beyond articulate.

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Jun 19Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I left out that I'm a big enough nerd that shortly after we married, I took my wife to a Sapolsky lecture as a date.

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Best date EVER!

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Jun 19Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I guffawed bawdily when I read the Zsa Zsa obit opener! I'll never tire of your restless, quirky and always compelling mind that offers up so many treasures.

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Jun 19Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Where do you find all these quirky eccentricities??!! Tidbits, people, books and movies!!

Hope you had a great time annoying your family. โค๏ธ

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Jun 19Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

You and your pops = โค๏ธ

And speaking of eccentric, check out @advancedstyle on IG. Loads to aspire to someday.

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Jun 18Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

โ€œRoast meat clothesโ€! No way Iโ€™m not using that one!

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I know, right??!

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Jun 18Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Great round up. Love the difference between eccentric and quirky. Iโ€™m definitely the latter. Great pic with pops. Safe travels!

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Thanks! It's a secret adventure!

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