Sep 13Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

The disbelief, the snickering, the smirk. She can't believe what she's seeing, like she's watching a dog trying to ride a bicycle.

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Oh... DEFINITE dog bicycle vibes!

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Sep 13Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

My all time fave is the hand under chin observational pose.

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It's amazing and so ripe with cringe!

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Sep 14Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

100% “having trouble processing” was such a delicious moment.

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The MOST!!!

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Tracy Flick! perfect analogy:

"I did my homework pal....i am a serious person...are you fucking KIDDING ME!#$??%#@!!"


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The camera (and we) really love her, not a bad shot in the bunch, Madame President for the win! 💙 I do hope you caught the losers spin room performance, where he was spewing the polls from Xitter that "Leon" probably bot generated, "I won, maybe my best debate ever, the pols I've seen were 90, 60, 70, 71, 88 to 11, 86 to 3"...Are we playing Bingo?! Seriously, the rantings of a lunatic, it would be funny except for the Electoral College BS, Vote 💙.

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RemovedSep 13Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones
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Oh, I wanted it too, but clearly she saved it for the after party in NC... and it was SO Aunty adorable! I would make it my RING tone if I could :)

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Sep 13Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

She saved that for the after party, and the packed NC rally yesterday, totally adorable!

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Agree! So wacky aunty adorable! I hope they record it and keep it in the Library of Congress as a special moment in history... "When the cackle conquered!"

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Sep 13Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

He he! When the cackle conquered the quacker! Just curious, where does the Looner fit in on the JD Vance scale of single, childless, nothing to contribute BS? I remember that she said she had to leave the NY trial to feed her dog, but that's all I know about her, other than she is ugly inside.

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Who was that person--just now???

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Sep 13Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Was going to ask you same, Yikes!

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Yikes is right! Ours is a super kind creative community--with table reads, film, and book chats. We make jokes about cultural silliness but not about each other???

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