Jun 17Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Any kind of snoring even if it's barely audible.

Use of the word irregardless. I don't care if morons used it so much Webster now has it in the dictionary. It's not a word~

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100%. Absolutely NOT a word!

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My pet peeve is being asked to choose just one. xo

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Sincerest apologies... I've been trying to develop a catalog of very specific, extreme ones. xo

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LOL. Let me know when you have a few hours. I have a metric sh!t-ton buttload of them. ❀️ xo

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Jun 16Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Junk mail.

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Jun 14Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Oh yes, mouth noises all the way. Especially mouth-eating-banana noises.

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Jun 16Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Yes! And clicking while chewing.

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People sending me emails all damn day.

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Jun 14Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Excessive coughing and sniffing without doing anything to make it stop. (PLEASE. MAKE. IT. STOP!) LOL. I work with someone who has allergies, so she's got that "allergy" cough when her sinuses get triggered. I know it's chronic, but it's incredibly annoying--not to mention jarring sometimes--that I have to listen to it for 8 hrs a day. The noise cancelling headphones I wear to do my job help a little bit.

Also, a new in-house sales guy was hired a couple of months ago and he sneezes several times in a row and coughs all the time (probably due to the drainage). And then across the way, there's a woman who sounds like she's coughing up a lung... it's all annoying and the fact that I have to listen to all these people sniff and cough all fucking day makes me watch to cut a bitch. Needless to say, I REVELED working from home during the pandemic. Like, rolling-around-in-a-cozy-blanket-like-a-cat type of reveling was going on. And I'm jelly as hell that my sister gets to WFH 3 days a week.

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I have a distant mad relation who has this compulsive sniffing disorder and it so makes my skin crawl to be around her for more than two hours at a stretch. After that, I revert to solving mode, i.e., Have you thought of Nasonex, Benadryl, Zyrtec, etc.??? Anything to make you slightly more bearable in polite company--which is, probably, to be honest, a bit ableist on my part b/c it's a condition--but she rejects any and all help. And I so need to take breaks from her. I am guilty of seasonal allergies myself and sneezed 26 times consecutively last week (just like President Obama taught me to... into the crook of my elbow...lol) but I immediately took meds b/c I just don't want to be miserable or HELLO make anyone I love miserable. I do love WFH but I also live for collaborating so it sounds like your sister has the perfect set up. Lucky her!

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Jun 14Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I sneeze into my elbow, too! LOL

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Jun 14Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I’m not a lover of slurpy eating, I have in-laws that do it a lot!

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And there's nothing you can do except hope that the telly is on somewhere in the background or that you can get in and out quickly. Noise-canceling headphones are usually considered impolite. I've been told acceptance therapy has some success... so listening to loads of slurpiness videos to try to acclimate oneself before going to dinner, but it's never worked on me, lol.

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Jun 14Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

It's the PETTIEST but I hate dirty shoes, especially leather dress shoes. Like, people: you went to all that trouble to dress up, had your hair done and everything, but why are your shoes so filthy? It just ruins the entire thing! This is a HUGE problem here in the Northwest because the rain/mud situation is constant. I do a shoe scan before we leave the house, but often just walking from the car to the restaurant (or wherever) it all goes to hell. When I lived in NYC I used to see glamourous society women standing on the street on freezing rainy days, hailing cabs in fur coats with big galoshes on their feet. It was eventually explained to me that they wore those OVER their high heels, to protect them on the way to their social events. I would be down for this!

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I love galoshes... In SF, when I was growing up, they always referred to them as gummies--but they're so practical... who wants to ruin your good shoes? Especially when you can check the galoshes with your coat and umbrella???

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Jun 15Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

TOTES, and I'll add that there might be an untapped designer market here? Like, "I've been summoned to the MET Gala and it's storming! Bring me my Chanel gummies!"

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Or even... Burberry?? But maybe that's a bit too expected. Chanel gummies would be all the rage!

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Jun 14Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

People who do not pick up after their dogs! The worst are the ones who pretend not to see the dog and engage in this act of deliberately looking EVERYWHERE except at their dog that has been straining in the same crouch for 5 minutes!

Do you need a bag!

Me? Why? What?

Your dog has been shitting on your foot for the last five minutes. Just assumed you'd forgotten your bags. Always here to help (Grrrr)!

Probably not weird but so far beyond anything else for me. Please, chew with your mouth open and tap your nails, mindlessly whistle and sing off key while you're picking up after your dog.

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I feel like NYC has gotten better about signs and bag availability in key places, dog runs, parks--but wow CA is not great--especially in SF. The worst offenders I find, are always getting high and I'm fine (with all that) but come ON! You own a Saint Bernard who poos like a whole BRICK--you HAVE GOT TO SEE THAT!!! Do not pretend you don't SEE that! Lol.

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Jun 15Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

A whole brick!

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Jun 14Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Mindless whistling. This is hugely hypocritical because I do it sometimes, but when other people do it while I'm trying to concentrate I want to rip their lips off.

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Jun 15Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I was going to say this too. And leaving closet doors open. Both of which my husband does. 😜 He also sings. Maybe it’s the fact he’s always so happy that’s annoying. πŸ˜‚

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Jun 15Β·edited Jun 15Author

Singing I somehow don't mind as much, but maybe that's b/c I've always fancied myself in another life as a torch singer at The Carlyle... and just happy all the time. πŸ˜‚ (to reference my favorite Laurie Colwin novel). If I'm trying to write... singing in the background does not work for prose production... I write often to Bill Evans or a soundtrack like The Hours or another film that suits the mood. Closet doors open just reminds me of having the children home, so I look on it with a bit of nostalgia? But how hard is it to close the darn thing? I think the key thing is how not to fossilize into our peevish wants so completely that they make us lonely?

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Oh my goodness! I had a math teach in primary school who would stand over your shoulder and mindlessly whistle while you were trying to work out a problem. It would make me INSANE! At age 8, back then, there was no way to lodge a formal complaint, never mind broach the topic delicately without risking the wrath of the strap! It was utter torture.

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Jun 14Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

That sounds HORRIBLE. I would have failed that class for sure. And developed high blood pressure at age eight.

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Just picture an extremely grumpy junior Tracy Flick!

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People who ride bikes on sidewalks. =j

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Especially dangerous for people who use wheelchairs or any kind of assistive tech for movement.

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Jun 14Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones


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