Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. I got chills just writing that.

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Benjamin Franklin. Groucho Marx, and even though you already claimed her I'd want Nora Ephron.

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Nina Simone, Jeff Buckley and Prince. IDK, it just works in my mind!

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The people I admire (too many to name).

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I could spend a long time considering all the people who would make for an interesting dinner party, but top of mind are Jane Austen, Amelia Earhart, and Elizabeth I.

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I think I’ll take one of your suggestions, John Lennon… especially if u can invite him to come.And… uh… hard choices…..Muhammad Ali, DEFINITELY, and I’d like to say Bob Dylan, but I know he’d make a miserable guest…. So that leaves one more. Uhhhhh…. I’d like to say Moses, but he too, might be uncomfortable, with his stutter and all. Uhhhh… Miles Davis? Nah he’s such an awry son of a bitch. Uhhhhh…..maybe Ram Das? Yeh. He’d be pleasant and charming, and he could offer the room some wisdom and LSD. OK🤩

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Taquan Soho, Genghis Khan, and Quanah Parker

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