Oct 9, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Your brain—what a fun ride! I love peering into it through your essays.❤️

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Hahaha... And I yours! But my brain gets me in endless trouble!

See the 8 rules of life video ❤️

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Author

I will most definitely share the birdseed solution if it works :) And I know that people don't always agree with sponsors or certain solutions in menopause, but it's just a conversation and no one's required to read a post or agree. If anything, I want to hold space for women's angst about how they've been systematically dismissed, ignored, or countermanded over time. So... right there with you on strengthening voices :) I've been surprised by the level of ire, but what can you do except say... I can see how it all might feel that way sometimes???

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Some birds are just shitty! hope you'll share your techno-solution with us. Re: The Empress as tool of the Patriarchy: For what it's worth, I've never known a single human who is 100% free of the influence of Patriarchy, even those who are on the front lines of dismantling it every single day. Internalized systems of oppression are the mockingbirds of our psyche, always on, always chattering. That's one of the reasons why I've spent my career strengthening women's voices, so we can drown the little fuckers out!

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My GENIUS girlfriend(who shall remain nameless for the moment) has come up with a Mockingbird solution that leverages SF Tech Bro bird angst (they DO love their Teslas) and... birdseed! She has the mind of Sir Alfred Hitchcock, himself, but is MUCH, MUCH prettier. We'll see how it pans out. Teodora is on the case!

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Who are the long standing generationally persecuted peoples? The Palestinians who voted in a Nazi terrorists organization?

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Author

Well, I was talking about everyone... Jews having fled to Israel. One of my early jobs after grad school was for the Holocaust Art Restitution Project, an effort tracing and returning stolen works to families--those stories of loss and persecution cross generations. But then there are also those caught in the middle, children, and so it's a mess and Hamas is a terrorist org.

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It was confusing. You said one thing, "then" another. Glad you clarified. It's been an awful weekend. Doofus is a compliment for these animals. Atrocities need to be shown everywhere. People will forget tomorrow. Sorry to cherry pick from your funny post-- this attack is in the forefront of my mind. One friend is safe but he's still waiting to hear back from his friends as they are missing. My daughter's friend was under attack but thankfully made it to Tel Aviv. 700 more not so lucky not to mention the rapes, beheadings and mutilations-- videotaped!

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Oh my g-d, I'm so sorry for your family and friends. I was worried about commenting at all, but it's so on my mind, given how violently it has escalated. It's too horrible to be contemplated. I exist in a family of diplomats and so it's all about how to de-escalate, how to bring back peace, and defend the rule of law... and so how to do that? I just pray for your family and friends and am so sorry for any confusion by my post. 💔

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Thx, sweetie. There's no diplomacy with people raised in hate and violence. I volunteered with an Israel organization with the mission to educate folks on the facts and truth about Israel in the hopes of eradicating ant semitism. (Eradicating is a stretch.) We chatted with many people. Some open to discuss, others not. This org also had/s a young Israeli going into hundreds of High Schools to teach kids every year. Baby steps.

700 deaths in Israel = 25,000 Americans killed in one day.

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Wow. Yeah, I just screened Night and Fog for a group of young people here and I was stunned by the denial and resistance I was met with.

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That’s one I haven’t seen yet. And with visual proof they still deny?! Ugh.

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I don't know who said you or The Empress are tools of the patriarchy, but WTF?? Maybe they haven't read your newsletter? I had to re-read that part and give my head a shake. What??!! I'm still confused and don't get it. Your attempt to try to figure it out is noble of you. I likely would've hexed the person. Or silently stewed on it for waaaay too long. (Or perhaps you can get Theadora involved.) xo

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I was surprised... but people are so sensitive these days. I think one thing is... I welcome the allyship of great dudes who comment on our pieces and who are making an effort to understand our various narratives??? But yeah, Teodora will totally cast a protection circle around The Empress using vegan chicken nuggets, lol...

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